Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Unexpected Chapter in ICT 10 (Thematic)

Fair final February, Mrs. Vera Cruz talked about the community-based investigate venture and gave us a venture almost looking for issues or themes that we seem investigate in our district, Pagburnayan, Vigan City. But some time recently that, they inquire us to choose utilizing paper, and our pioneer picks science, innovation, and wellbeing, and the subject that we select is wellbeing and wellness. It was really a great thought that we chose that subject since the government of our district ought to center on this emerging issue to discover a arrangement, and individuals would be mindful that this issue is exceptionally disturbing. And really, it was really challenging to choose a certain emerging issue since there are so numerous issues that are more overwhelming. Indeed so, I do think that our issue that we investigate is truly overwhelming and needs a parcel of consideration.


In making this CBR venture, there are a lot of things that we do to make inquire about that's for us, and we are fulfilled with the comes about. So, here is my encounter with the inquire about.


To begin with, after the declaration of Mrs. Vera Cruz, we examined what to do and what portion we would do so that everybody would have a commitment. Really, I have awesome co-members, so I didn't stress as well much since I knew that they might grant their best on this venture. Besides, we talked about what barangay we are going investigate and what the case point will be.



Second, as I composed my parts, I did inquire about on that certain issue with the assistance of my father, who knows this certain sort of issue. But I to begin with caught on what this issue was and attempted to compose down all of my thoughts.


And in conclusion, after that, my co-members sent their parts. I attempted to check the spelling and change a few parts so that we seem provide our educator a incredible CBR. Us individuals attempted to assist each other, like in the event that we didn't know what to do, we would inquire for help utilizing chats. And it was convenient that we tuned in to each other's issues almost the CBR because it made a difference us wrap up it superior. So, in this extend, communication and cooperation were basic for our victory.


At long last, to summarize, the CBR project taught me numerous things, counting that there are certain sorts of issues that are not appropriately talked about which require a lot of consideration. The CBR instructed me that we ought to open our eyes to see the current problems which we have to be burrow more profound to illuminate everything some time recently it's as well late. It was a fun experience composing and doing this inquire about, and even in the event that it's a small bit unpleasant, I know that sometime in the not so distant future this could offer assistance me within the future.



3rd Quarter ICT Journey


This third quarter of ICT 10 has me thinking about HTML. I have acquired knowledge on how to generate codes using Notepad, as well as the various HTML tags and techniques for creating custom codes within Notepad. Finally, this quarter has taught me a lot, and I hope that the following quarter will teach me even more about ICT 10.


Understanding an immense amount of HTML syntax and tags has emerged as one of my concerns or challenges that stand in ICT 10. We sometimes experience an inadequate internet signal, thereby rendering it problematic for me or us to start our activity.

 I was able to discover the solutions to all of these difficulties through going over the daily lessons again before bed, as well as through looking up explanations on the internet or performing online research. Furthermore, the more rapid network at home promotes me to do my work ahead of my schedule and solves the issue of having a slow connection at school. 

Moving forward. I commit to studying diligently in this subject matter as well as all other subjects to ensure that I can be a good student and accomplish my aspirations in the years to come. I also commit to studying every opportunity that I can in order that I can instruct other children in the future.




A Day To Remember


On March 9, 2024, the Ilocos Sur National High School Eagles celebrated the 122nd Foundation Day. Throughout the day, we engaged in a variety of activities and created a ton of memories for this momentous occasion.

The first phase of the foundation day was a march through each section individually. We prepared ourselves to present "The Most Disciplined Section," as it was announced to the Rizalians. Even if we didn't win, we're still grateful to God and are rather pleased of ourselves. "Kayo parin ang panalo para sa akin" stated Mr. Pajarillo. Despite being exhausting, the march was worthwhile.

Next were the grade-level field demonstrations. Sadly, we were unable to see the performances by the other grade levels due to the excessive number of people on the field. Because it was such a lovely and sunny day, we also decided to postpone our performance until later in a single enclosed space. We played at about eleven in the morning, and it was lovely to see the smiles on people's faces as we gave it our all. The grade 10 females placed first, and the grade 10 boys were declared the victors. Even though I was furious, I was glad I could demonstrate my dancing prowess and enthusiasm. We celebrated with lunch in our classroom, where everyone laughed heartily.

The concert was the final event of the day. There was singing of a number of songs, some of which I knew and some of which I didn't. After thinking about the day for a while, I've decided that the school made a great event. I would want to express my gratitude to them for allowing us students to avoid the harsh reality of global issues. I found the experience to be quite healing and helpful. ISNHS, I'm grateful. ISNHS's High School Day will live on in memory forever.



Unexpected Chapter in ICT 10 (Thematic)

Fair final February, Mrs. Vera Cruz talked about the community-based investigate venture and gave us a venture almost looking for issues or ...