Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Babae Tayo Hindi Babae Lang

The annual celebration of Women's History Month in March 2024 is an opportunity to reflect on the achievements and contributions of women throughout history. This month, the focus is on recognizing the influence of women in various fields, including science, politics, literature and the arts. It is time to honor the forerunners and pioneers who broke barriers and paved the way for future generations. Women's History Month also reminds us of the ongoing fight for gender equality and the importance of protecting women's rights.


During Women's History Month, events, exhibits and educational programs highlight the remarkable achievements and experiences of women. These activities aim to raise awareness of the often overlooked stories of women's history and to inspire and empower people to support gender equality. In addition, Women's History Month provides an opportunity to respond to the systemic challenges women continue to face and advocate for policies and initiatives that promote women's empowerment and progress.


The theme of the 2018 Women's History Month could be to celebrate the achievements of women. with different backgrounds and identities. It is important to recognize the interconnected experiences of women and the unique challenges faced by women of color, LGBTQ+ women, women with disabilities and other marginalized groups. By amplifying these voices and experiences, Women's History Month aims to promote a more inclusive and equal representation of women's contributions to society.


As part of Women's History Month this year, it's important to encourage discussions about gender equality and get involved in the cause. initiatives promoting women's rights. This may include supporting initiatives that address gender discrimination, promoting equal pay and employment opportunities, and promoting policies that protect the health, safety and well-being of women. By coming together to celebrate Women's History Month, individuals and communities can work to create a more just and inclusive society for all.

Images: ABIGAN, ABIGAIL.National Youth Commission celebrates Women's Month with march, forum. Retrieved from https://www.rappler.com/tachyon/r3-assets/D95ED678811A40A19BFD58A60DFEC249/img/F044CA294B92442D93C421B5C4C47AA5/nyc-young-woman-inspiring-woman-march-7-2018-005.jpg
        Women Historical Month with Purple Background Pro Vector Retrieved from https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vecteezy.com%2Fvector-art%2F1975456-women-historical-month-with-purple-background&psig=AOvVaw3zIPhhAL57kb_CxUILQvWn&ust=1709107133097000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjRxqFwoTCNCm1dbPzIQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAQ

Monday, February 26, 2024

TLE Estudyantepreneur

Introducing entrepreneurship in schools can be incredibly beneficial for students, providing them with valuable skills and mindset that can serve them well in their future careers and endeavors. Here are some insights into why entrepreneurship education in schools is important.

Fostering Innovation: Entrepreneurship education encourages creativity and innovation. It teaches students to think outside the box, identify problems, and develop solutions. These skills are crucial in an ever-evolving world where new ideas and approaches are constantly needed.


This event of the TLE department is a great help to the students because here they can learn about being an entrepreneur, and here the students can also experience managing a business. Many students also enjoyed this event because there were many things to try such as, playing on computers, watching short films and so on.Developing Critical


Thinking: Entrepreneurship education promotes critical thinking skills. Students learn to analyze information, evaluate opportunities and risks, and make informed decisions. These skills are applicable not only in business but also in various aspects of life.


Encouraging Initiative: Entrepreneurship education instills a sense of initiative and self-reliance in students. They learn to take ownership of their ideas and projects, rather than waiting for instructions or opportunities to come their way. This proactive mindset can lead to greater success in both personal and professional pursuits.


Building Resilience: Entrepreneurship involves facing challenges and setbacks. By introducing entrepreneurship in schools, students learn to embrace failure as a natural part of the learning process. They develop resilience and perseverance, essential qualities for overcoming obstacles and achieving long-term goals.


Promoting Collaboration: Entrepreneurship often requires collaboration and teamwork. Students learn to communicate effectively, delegate tasks, and work towards common goals. These interpersonal skills are valuable not only in business but also in building successful relationships and communities.


Encouraging Financial Literacy: Entrepreneurship education includes lessons on financial management, budgeting, and investment. Students learn about the practical aspects of running a business, including revenue generation, cost control, and profit margins. This financial literacy is essential for making sound financial decisions throughout life.


Empowering Students: Entrepreneurship education empowers students to become agents of change in their communities. It inspires them to pursue their passions, create opportunities for themselves and others, and make a positive impact on the world around them. Overall, entrepreneurship education in schools equips students with the skills, mindset, and knowledge needed to thrive in a dynamic and competitive global economy. By fostering creativity, critical thinking, resilience, and collaboration, it prepares students to tackle the challenges and opportunities of the future with confidence and purpose.




Sunday, February 25, 2024

My Valentine

Valentine's Day is a special time to celebrate love and appreciation for those closest to us, including family members. To celebrate Valentine's Day with my family, we typically plan a special dinner at home or at a favorite restaurant. We enjoy preparing and sharing a delicious meal together, and use the opportunity to catch up and share stories from our daily lives. We also exchange small tokens of affection, like chocolates, flowers, or handwritten cards, to show our love and appreciation for one another.

In addition to a special meal, we often plan a fun activity to do together as a family. This could include a movie night with a selection of our favorite romantic comedies, or a game night where we play board games and spend quality time together. Sometimes, we also write love notes to each other and place them in a jar, to be drawn and read aloud throughout the evening. Each year, we try to find a new way to make the day special and create lasting memories as a family.

Finally, we take time to reflect on the importance of love and the value of our family bonds. We often share stories and memories of our favorite moments together, and take the opportunity to express our gratitude for one another. We use this time to strengthen our relationships and to cherish the love and support we share as a family. Overall, Valentine's Day is a day of love, appreciation, and quality time spent with those we care about most.




Valentine's Day


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

2nd Quarter ICT Journey


Throughout this second quarter in ICT 10, I have gained numerous learning discoveries. I have learned about the HTML, and the basics of creating codes in the notepad. I have also discovered how the different tags are use to and to where to use to.

 The main challenge I have encountered is the memorizing of those codes and tags. Understanding how those tags will do on my work and what to do with my work has been a steep learning curve for me. Additionally, I have found it challenging to consistently come up with engaging and relevant for my activity.

To address these challenges, I have dedicated extra time to practice and study about HTML. I have also sought assistance from my instructor and classmates when I encounter difficulties. For the content creation challenge.


Moving on, I will continue to expand my knowledge and skills in doing tags and codes in HTML. I will also strive to produce more skills in making my own activity. Additionally, I aim to explore new and innovative ways to incorporate ICT into various aspects of my life and future career. Overall, I am excited to continue my journey in ICT 10 and further enhance my understanding of the digital world.

One Ilocos Sur

Ilocos Sur, a province located in the Ilocos Region of the Philippines, is known for its vibrant festivals that showcase the rich cultural heritage and traditions of the Ilocano people. One of the most famous festivals in Ilocos Sur after the "Viva Vigan Binatbatan Festival of the Arts" is the “Kannawidan Festival”.  Last January 28, 2024, Governor Jerry Singson led the opening of Ilocos Sur Festival 2024. Ilocos Sur Festival is the Kannawidan festival before.         

Street Dancing and Parades: A highlight of the festival is the colorful street dancing competition where participants dressed in vibrant costumes perform traditional dances along the streets of Vigan City. Spectators can enjoy the lively music, intricate choreography, and elaborate costumes during these performances.

 Trade Fairs and Food Festivals: Visitors can also enjoy trade fairs and food festivals during the Ilocos Sur Festival. Local artisans and entrepreneurs showcase their products, including handicrafts, textiles, and delicacies, providing an opportunity for both locals and tourists to experience the flavors and crafts of the region.

The crowd flooded Quirino Stadium during the first ever Illumina Fest as one of the highlights of this year's Ilocos Sur Festival 2024.

Started with a zumba and fun run joined by thousands of residents in the province followed by a cosplay competition showcasing the creativity and talent of cosplayers in Ilocos Sur.

Meanwhile, the crowd went wild as they sing and dance during the performance of DJ Carla Cray, Al James, Autotelic, Janine TeƱoso, The Itchyworms and Juan Karlos. As a finale, the crowd were stunned by a spectacular fireworks display that illuminated the stadium.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Vigan City Fiesta

 The Vigan City Fiesta is held every January 25. It is celebrated during the feast day of the conversion of St. Paul the Apostle. St. Paul is Vigan City’s patron saint. Before his conversion, St. Paul was known as Saul, a zealous persecutor of Christians. After he was touched by a personal encounter with Jesus Christ on his way to Damascus, his name was changed to Paul and he endured a lot of hardships and danger to spread the word of God to far places.

Vigan’s main church, the Metropolitan Cathedral is dedicated to St. Paul and it stands at the core of the Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia. The major Catholic educational institution in Vigan that stands beside the church is also dedicated to the patron, the St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur. The Vigan City Fiesta usually lasts for several days. It includes within the period the celebration of the anniversary of the cityhood of Vigan, which is commemorated every January 27.

Biguenos from all over the country and even abroad return to Vigan, as it is the custom of Filipinos to return to their hometown to join their family and friends in the celebration of their fiesta. They are joined by thousands of visitors from other parts of the Philippines and other countries in enjoying the cultural shows, parades and street dancing prepared by the local government with the help of the local industries and communities. There are also food fairs, arts and crafts exhibits, as well as a visiting carnival.

Participants from the different neighboring provinces in the northern region are also sent to compete in the various games and activities, particularly the street dancing competition. This participation by other municipalities makes the Vigan City Fiesta not only a local event participated in by Vigan’s officials, but a national event participated in by other local public heads and national officials. Within the Vigan City Fiesta days, the Longganisa Festival is also celebrated. The city has a longganisa-themed parade and at one time attempted to set a record for having the longest longganisa ever made. The festival has become a crowd-drawer as Vigan longganisa, a native version of Mexican salami, has a distinct garlicky taste that has become a favorite of the Filipino palate. Though other manufacturers have tried to copy the Vigan longganisa taste, they have not been successful. Biguenos attribute this to the fact that the making of Vigan longganisa is a centuries-old tradition of the local makers and all if not most of the ingredients used in making the native sausage is sourced from Vigan. Vigan’s garlic and sugarcane vinegar are said to be more strongly flavorful. It’s a great take-home gift after partaking in a Vigan City Fiesta.

Unexpected Chapter in ICT 10 (Thematic)

Fair final February, Mrs. Vera Cruz talked about the community-based investigate venture and gave us a venture almost looking for issues or ...