Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Healthy, Nourished, Sheltered Ensuring the Right to Life for All

Advocate for Children"s healthcare access: Support policies and programs that ensure all children have access to quality healthcare, regardless of their socio-economic status.

Volunteer at children's hospitals and clinics:
Offer your time and skills to help improve the experience of children in healthcare settings, whether through play therapy, educational activities, or simply providing companionship.

Donate to children's healthcare organizations: Contribute to charities and non-profit organizations that provide healthcare services and support to children in need.

Educate yourself and others about children's health issues: Stay informed about the current challenges and issues facing children's healthcare, and share this information with others to raise awareness and advocate for change.

Support child-friendly healthcare initiatives:
Encourage the development of child-friendly healthcare facilities, programs, and practices that prioritize the needs and well-being of children.

Advocate for child-friendly healthcare policies: Support policies that prioritize children's healthcare needs and ensure their rights and welfare are protected, such as policies related to insurance coverage, preventative care, and mental health support.

Promote healthy living and preventative care:
Encourage children and their families to adopt healthy lifestyles and practices that promote overall well-being and reduce the risk of health issues.
National Children's Month is but one of the many ways to support Children's well-being. What Can do to support the efforts and ensure the promotion of children's right and welfare particular in health care?

          Why Community Health Is Important for Public Health Retrieved from https://publichealth.tulane.edu/blog/why-community-health-is-important-for-public-health/

          Andrew M.I. Lee, JD.What is self-advocacy?. Retrieved from

         Making Children's Lives Better and Their Future Secure Through the #ChangeFor100 Campaign. Retrieved from

         Girl's Education.Gender Equality in Education Benefits Every Child. Retrieved Frohttps://www.unicef.org/sites/default/files/styles/media_large_image/public/UN0284179.jpg?itok=y2endg2e
        List of Health Programs in the Philippines You can Be Part Of. Retrieved from 
        Advocating for your Child | Children's Hospital Colorado. Retrieved from 
        The Importance of Preventive Health Practices. Retrieved From 

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

1st Quarter Reflection

     Throughout this first quarter in ICT 10, I have gained numerous learning discoveries. I have learned about the timeline of the internet, the pioneers who have made significant contributions to its development, and the basics of creating and managing a web page and blog. I have also discovered how the internet has revolutionized communication, information sharing, and business operations. 

The main challenge I have encountered is the technical aspect of creating and managing a web page and blog. Understanding how internet revolutionized and other web development languages has been a steep learning curve for me. Additionally, I have found it challenging to consistently come up with engaging and relevant content for my blog.

To address these challenges, I have dedicated extra time to practice and study web development languages. I have also sought assistance from my instructor and classmates when I encounter difficulties. For the content creation challenge, I have started planning and outlining my blog posts in advance to ensure that I have a consistent flow of ideas.

      Moving on, I will continue to expand my knowledge and skills in web development and blogging. I will also strive to produce high-quality content for my blog and actively engage with my audience. Additionally, I aim to explore new and innovative ways to incorporate ICT into various aspects of my life and future career. Overall, I am excited to continue my journey in ICT 10 and further enhance my understanding of the digital world.


Esponela, Nikka Ella.2023.Vigan City.

          1st Quarter Reflection. Retrieved from




Unexpected Chapter in ICT 10 (Thematic)

Fair final February, Mrs. Vera Cruz talked about the community-based investigate venture and gave us a venture almost looking for issues or ...